Frequently Asked Questions​

Popular questions regarding real estate

It is a document giving evidence of ones right to land.

In Kenya there exist different types of title deeds as per various of land acts that have been existence. Examples are as follows;

  • Indenture
  • Grant
  • Certificate of Title
  • Certificate of lease
  • Absolute Title
  • Sectional Title

Types of Land Tenure Systems in Kenya.

Land tenure is the act, right or period of holding land. There are two types of land tenure system in Kenya;

  • Freehold: It is the greatest interest a person can have on land as it gives the holder absolute ownership of the land for life. A freehold interest is also known as fee simple or absolute Proprietorship.
  • Leasehold: This is the interest in land for a specific period subject to payment of a fee or rent to the grantor. The maximum term of government leases is 99 years.

Land acquisition undergoes the following processes:

  • Land Identification
  • Search at the Lands Registry
  • Sale Agreement
  • Transfer and procurement Of completion documents
  • Stamping the Transfer
  • Registration of the transfer

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